Saturday, November 15, 2008

A Touch of Homesickness

Hello. It's me again. Can a person be too old to be homesick? I think I need just one week back in the states. I've been thinking a lot about family and work (yes work). I don't know what it is. My brain hurts right now. I have a full day in yeshiva tomorrow and I think I need a break. I'm hoping that it's a passing phase. Maybe I need sleep. Could be. I was given a phone by someone that will allow me to receive calls free. Maybe a call from someone back home will help me out. I have 7.5 months left here. I can't believe I've been here since August 26th. Amazing. Oh don't get me wrong...I love Israel. But I just need a little taste of the states. Anyhoo, I hope you all have a great week. Shavuah tov.


  1. Buddy- happens to everyone. You can really love a new place, but home is home. We were in Buffalo two weekends ago for my parents' fiftieth. As soon as we get there, I feel it everytime- home. I fit right in. Be sure you get out and are with other people. Makes a big difference. Blessings- Brian

  2. Just know you are loved loved loved back here in Chicago. Let that comfort you while you make memories in Israel! -YaSistah
